Lavendon Road, Olney

This proposal is for circa 1600m2 food-store intended for Sainsbury’s, together with 113 parking spaces, segregated and screened HGV service area, and landscaping. Originallly the project brief was to look at the balance of the site being private housing (25no. approx.) which we developed with a number of sketch options as part of an overall masterplanning exercise.

The retail unit is to be located at the most prominent SW corner of the site opposite Olney Business Park, with active retail frontage to the roundabout / Lavendon Road, and to the east towards its car park.

The southern façade extends around to the east to face the parking area, and gives the opportunity for extensive glazed elements to these public facades animating the street frontage. The building is modelled and capped by a generous roof overhang extending over the main pedestrian access on the east façade that emphasises the horizontal dimension whilst signalling the entrance frontage and providing weather protection and solar shading.