Riverside Way

The proposed design is to re develop this brown field site for B1a / B2 / B8 uses. The proposed plot ratio will be approximately 50% with a maximum GEA of approximately 7000m2. These building areas are accommodated in either one single building or two smaller buildings.

The proposed buildings will be in scale with the setting and adjacent developments and will relate in layout and built form to the two adjacent buildings to the. The buildings are sited to give frontages to either Riverside Way and / or the River Colne. These will include expressed two storey office elements containing the main entrance to the buildings. These assist in stepping the built form to the higher production / warehouse element of the buildings. Car and cycle parking relates directly to the office areas . Service areas are contained from the primary frontages by the buildings and proposed landscape.

The offices will have large glazed elements set within end brick panels and fin walls to articulate the frontages and providing solar shading to the east facing elevations. The brick will be a London stock type to match existing adjacent buildings. The production / warehouse elements will have parapets to contain and screen low pitched roofs. Metallic metal cladding will be used with a horizontal emphasis and which is then further emphasised by a horizontal band in contrasting colour wrapping around the whole building at office parapet level.