The proposal is for a two storey office building joined to a production, R&D facility by a two storey link building containing meeting rooms and display areas; together with associated car parking, servicing, hard and soft landscape areas.
The building has been considered, positioned and orientated within the site so that it respects and takes advantage of the enclosing setting of Linford Wood. All materials have been selected to be high quality, attractive, durable and sustainable. They are chosen to complement each other, add emphasis and articulation to the built form, to give an overall contemporary feel and to sit comfortably in the woodland setting. Built form is emphasised to the main west elevation with extensive glazing areas to the offices with an oversailing porte cochere roof.
The site at Linford Wood G is an ideal location for BP Chargemaster to relocate their business to a new HQ in Milton Keynes creating inward investment, approximately 200 jobs, and bringing a high profile company in the expanding EV sector to the city.